
Act now!

There are 10 simple multiple choice questions with explanations in plain English. It should only take a minute or two to complete and you can return as many times as you like if you want to look anything up.

How we can help

We will send you (and your adviser if you wish) a copy of the results if you fill in your details at the end. You can also ask one of our experts to contact you by phone or email for a no-obligation follow-up. Barnett Waddingham is one of the largest SSAS providers in the UK with over 1,600 clients. We have a very experienced team of experts and have operated in this market since 1989. We also offer a contribution of up to £450 towards moving your SSAS from your existing provider to us.

Please note that by completing this survey you are agreeing that we may collate your results with other respondents for analysis and promotional purposes, all of which will be anonymous.

The purpose of this health check is to point out some key areas that might indicate whether a SSAS is being run properly or is in need of attention. It is not designed to cover every situation or provide specific advice to your circumstances. For example, a good score may still be achieved even if the scheme is not complying with other aspects of regulation.